May 19 and 20, 2018 You’ve
Got Skills!
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12: 1-14
Today we continue to explore the
topic of spiritual gifts, one of the many ways God equips us to continue the
holy work started by Jesus. Last week we looked at purpose and were reminded
that we’ve been created to reflect the character of God. Today we explore the
ways God intends to make that happen. I invite you to read with me…
I don’t know about your early
church experience, but growing up in my small church, we did a lot of singing,
especially in Sunday school. You can ask any of my Wildfire youth and young
adults- that love for singing has carried over into my ministry, and the
sillier the song, the more likely we are to sing it! We sang a lot of growing
up because my church seemed to subscribe to the idea that theology is better caught than taught. And I learned a lot that
way. But I was really taken aback when my former pastor tried this on for size
and preached a 4-week sermon series on country music. Now, you have to know
something about my family. I know we live in a sort of transplanted Nashville,
but country music was a big no-no in our household. It wasn’t even considered
music. To speak of Willie Nelson, George Jones or Reba McEntire was akin to
uttering the worst of 4-letter words. We just didn’t have a place in our
musical hearts for country music, which is why I was so surprised when a song
from this genre impacted my faith.
When I was in seminary, Rodney
Atkins came out with a song that prepared me for ministry and parenthood. I had
yet to lead a church, and I wasn’t even engaged, but this song was a funny
reminder that I would soon be leading others, and those watchful eyes would
often do and say what I did and said. In the song, Atkins sings about riding in
the truck with his 4-year old, who suddenly blurts out a 4-letter word that
begins with an “s.” And when asked where he learned that hideous word, the
4-year old simply said, “I’ve been watching you, dad.” And I want to be just
like you.”
For three years the disciples
watched Jesus, who was preparing them to be just like him. Every word he said,
every miracle he performed, every action he took, they watched and took it all
in. And at times they would even imitate him, not knowing that Jesus was slowly
forming them in those moments to be a part of his plan. They listened intently
to his heroic plan to save the world from itself and restore us back to the
Father. And they genuinely longed for their broken world to be made new. And
then Jesus dropped this little line on them from John 14:12: Very truly I tell you, whoever
believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than
these, because I am going to the Father.
Whoa! That’s a pretty bold
statement, isn’t it? The disciples will do greater things than Jesus? Now that
seems pretty impossible! I mean, can you even begin to comprehend that
statement? Most of the time we have no idea what to do with that, so we get
ourselves off the hook by saying, “Well, you know I’m not Jesus,” or “I’m just a
human,” but Jesus doesn’t let us off that easily. He wants to stretch our
faith. He wants us to see who we are when we give our lives to him and to see
that we are God’s plan A, and there is
no plan B. You see God’s plan was to put a part of himself in each of us,
through the Holy Spirit, which means the work of Christ is no longer reserved
for the single human being named Jesus, but the work of Christ is now multiplied
throughout the living organism known as the Church. And friends, this is you. As
a single human being, Jesus could only be in one place at one time, but if part
of him lives through every heart that believes in his name, his impact would
spread like a raging fire! This was the beauty of Pentecost. You might say that
when the Holy Spirit was given on Pentecost, some of Jesus’ DNA was poured into
the disciples. And when you receive God’s Spirit, that same DNA is poured in to
If there’s one thing I really want you to know today, it’s that you are more important than you
realize. You carry a significance in your life that has spiritual power, an
inner treasure that God has placed upon you, a treasure that needs to be
discovered. There’s giftedness to every one of you, not because of who you are,
but because of Jesus Christ, who is on a mission to redeem and restore a broken
world. And part of that treasure is what we call the spiritual gifts. This is
how Jesus invites you to come alongside his work.
Spiritual gifts have been very
controversial over the years, and a bit confusing, to boot. But of utmost
importance when talking about spiritual gifts is the word gift. These are unique talents and skills that can’t be achieved by
human means; they are the work of God’s Spirit. They aren’t learned, worked
for, or earned; they’re imparted as the Spirit fills us, for the dual purpose
of bringing glory to God and building up the church unto maturity. We’ve read
about some of those gifts in the past few weeks, but I thought you might be
interested in having some references. There are a couple places where the gifts
are listed in Scripture. Now, these aren’t exhaustive, and God certainly has
the right to change the lists as He sees fit, but for our purposes today, I’ll
point you to these passages: Romans 12:
6-8, 1 Corinthians 12:1- 28, Ephesians 4. I’d invite you to spend some time
exploring these gifts. You can also Google
them to find out more.
When you look at those passages, you’ll
find over 20 gifts listed in Scripture, and each one offers a unique
contribution to the work of Jesus Christ in the world. One of the leaders who
preached extensively on the work of the Spirit was the Apostle Paul, Paul has
some pretty important things to say about spiritual gifts. In fact, when he
writes, he says this, “I do not want you to uninformed.” Because these gifts
are part of the way God has uniquely wired YOU to build up God’s Kingdom. And
so I wanted to share Paul’s advice with you today. Here are for things we each need
to know about spiritual gifts:
First, every spiritual gift stems
from the same source- the Spirit of God. It is the Holy Spirit who determines
which gifts are imparted to whom. As we read last week, some are called to be
pastors, others teachers. Some are gifted to serve in an administrative
function, while others are fitted to lead out in front. There are many gifts,
but the same Spirit. And this is important, because some gifts don’t seem as
“spiritual” as others, but if each is handed out by God’s Spirit, then they
each carry a holy significance. Your gift might best be used out in the public
eye in a very clear leadership role…or your gift might best be used behind the
scenes or behind the desk. It really doesn’t matter. If it’s a spiritual gift,
it’s from the Holy Spirit.
Secondly, there are a variety of
gifts. As I said earlier, there are over 20 gifts and no person is meant or
expected, to have all of them. That
would kind of defeat the purpose of God’s “multiply and conquer” technique,
wouldn’t it? Some of the gifts look a little more supernatural than others
(like tongues and miracles); some of them take on a behind the scenes nature
(like helps), but their diversity is meant to be reflective of a God who loves and functions in diversity. When we talk about God, we are talking about Creator
(or Father), a Redeemer (or Son) and Sustainer (or Holy Spirit). Different
emphases, diverse ways of talking about. Yet they each help us understand more
fully the power and identity of God. As a follower of Jesus, it is my belief
that you’ve been given at least one spiritual gift, and when you operate out of
that gift, you help each of us better understand the work of Jesus Christ.
Thirdly, spiritual gifts have been
given for the common good. Bruce Bugbee, in his book, Network, says the two primary functions of spiritual gifts are the glory of God and the edifying
of others. These gifts are
not meant to be hoarded or protected, but shared with others. And let me tell
you, when you share your gifts with me, especially gifts that I don’t have, I
feel the closeness of Jesus Christ. I had the privilege of attending the Happy
Time preschool graduation ceremony on Friday. In her opening address, Mrs.
Stuchal took a few moments to thank all the people who helped this year. Some
stopped in to read, some planned events, some offered support, some offered
their decorating skills and so on. Mrs. Stuchal knew that without their help,
Happy Time would’ve struggled this year. When we contribute our unique gifts,
we become the blessing we were created to be.
And finally, spiritual gifts are meant to help the church live into the identity of
the “Body of Christ.” You see, the church is meant to be a “unit,” which
implies an intentional working together. Quite simply, this means that we need
each other. And that can be hard to admit. We may not always like each other or
agree with each other or even want to be in the same room as each other, but in
order for our church to be everything God dreams for us to be, you and I need
to operate out of our unique giftedness. Because that’s God’s design. We were
created for each other, to help each
other, and there’s no other way around it. I can’t be fully who I was meant to
be without you, and you can’t be fully who you were meant to be without me.
Together, and only together, are we the body of Christ. When you are filled
with the Spirit of God, you are given a Kingdom-building gift of the Spirit. This
is how you were wired to serve Jesus. And in this church, nobody else can
employ that gift in your manner and style. It is uniquely yours. You are called
to imitate Christ. But you are also called to do the great things Jesus did,
and when you use your gift in tandem with the Body of Christ, the light of
Jesus Christ shines brightly in the midst of our world’s darkness! So what do
you say we do some great things in the name of Jesus? What do you say we all put
our pieces together and complete the puzzle? Because that’s the only way it’s
going to happen. Jesus doesn’t want to do this without you, which means you are
more important than you know. Amen.
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