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Showing posts from March, 2020

Through the Eyes of Jesus: Restoring Dignity

Through the Eyes of Jesus       Restoring Dignity  John 4: 1-2, 13-30             Well, friends, today we continue our 40-day journey through the Season of Lent. This year, we’re inviting Jesus to help us see again, to see with new eyes, to see the world as Jesus sees it. My hope is that God’s Spirit will challenge us, convict us and grow us as we do this work together. To kick off this series, we’re going to spend some time looking at an important conversation Jesus has with a woman at the well, a story of restoring dignity and worth.  If you have your Bibles… There was a story making the rounds a few months ago on Facebook, written by Brazilian author Paulo Coelho. I can’t tell you if the story is factually true, but what I can say is that the story speaks a lot of truth. Coelho tells the story of a young couple who recently moved into a new neighborhood, and every mornin...

The Mountain or the Mud

The Mountain or the Mud? Feb. 23, 2020                       Luke 9: 28-43             I’m truly grateful to be in worship with you all this weekend. And I’m especially excited to begin a new journey with you. Today we’re beginning a new sermon series called “Through the Eyes of Jesus.” We’re going to explore several stories and conversations that will challenge us to see the world through the eyes of Christ. This series will take us right up to Palm Sunday, and my hope is that God’s heart for the world will take root and grow in us as we learn together. But before we engage the world, we need to spend some time with God. So today, I invite you to hear once again a wonderful story we call the Transfiguration, a story where Jesus invites three of his closest friends us to travel outside of their realties an...