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Showing posts from February, 2020

Lessons From the Cross- To Know the Crucified Christ

Lessons From the Cross           To Know the Crucified Christ  Scripture:  1 Corinthians 2: 1-9             Well friends, I’m grateful to be back in worship with you. And I hope that you came prepared to meet Jesus in new and powerful ways. Today we’re going to take one more look at life from underneath the cross. One of the great challenges we have as a people of faith is keeping God’s great story at the forefront of our minds. As a people of God, we believe that God is always up to something good, calling people to experience new life with Jesus, to be forgiven and set free, to be transformed. But this can be a difficult story to embrace when we see so much ugliness and evil in the world. It can be challenging to press into our faith when there’s so much evidence of division, hatred and chaos. Yet part of what makes us Christian, part of what it means t...

Lessons From the Cross- The Weak Made Strong

Feb. 9, 2020                Lessons From the Cross:   The Weak Made Strong  1 Corinthians 1: 18-31 Friends, today we’re going to a turn to a topic that I believe demands our best thoughts and attention- the cross. For the next two weeks, we’re going to sit under the reality of the cross and let God teach us about its power. In a divided world, in a divided country, in divided homes, and in our distracted lives, the cross has some important things to tell us.  Would you read with me?  A few years ago, I decided I needed to get away and spend some time with God. It was fall, and was struggling to know what to preach over the next few months and thought maybe a retreat would do the trick. So I packed up some resources and drove an hour and a half south to Jumonville, one our Conference camps, which sits high up a mountain. I stopped in at the office, got my cabin keys, then...