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Showing posts from April, 2019

Easter- When Jesus Changes the Story

Easter 2019 When Jesus Changes the Story  For ten years I’ve had the privilege of worshipping with you on Easter and proclaiming this story of Resurrection. And it’s as powerful today as it was when we were first invited to do life together. We need this story, because this story changes the world. And if we let it, this story will also change us. Let’s read.  In 1999, just eight years after the death of his father, Bart Millard penned a song that would go on to inspire millions. Recently made into a movie, “I Can Only Imagine” was written as a tribute to the amazing power of God, who took an abusive drunk of a father and completely reshaped his life in a way that stunned all who knew him. God had done a resurrection work in his life and changed this man’s story! But in an article published in People magazine, Bart Millard confessed that he wasn’t quite sure God could change his story.  Acknowledging the deep wounds that persisted from years of his father...

Table Talk: Your Grief Will Turn To Joy

Your Grief Will Turn to Joy April 6 and 7, 2019 John 16: 16-33 Today we’re continuing our Lenten journey with our Table Talk sermon series. We’ve been sitting in the Upper Room with Jesus and the disciples, listening to and reflecting on these intimate teachings recorded in John’s Gospel, the last teachings Jesus will offer before he heads to the cross. We’ve learned about servanthood and friendship; we’ve learned about the power Jesus shares with us and how He expects us to continue His work through the presence of the Holy Spirit. And today we turn our attention to the topic of joy. Would you read with me?  You might’ve heard in the news that a cyclone has recently ripped through several African countries, especially Mozambique and Zimbabwe, which were hit pretty hard. I’ve spent some time praying for the safety of my friends and colleagues, and as I’ve been praying, I’ve been recalling some of the wonderful moments and conversations during my time in Zimbabwe in ...