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Showing posts from September, 2018

Blessed Are the Pure In Heart

Blessed Are the Pure In Heart Matthew 5: 1-8, Matthew 18: 1-5             Well, I hope you enjoyed the break from our normal weekend routine last Sunday. It’s good to get out of normal patterns from time to time. When things become normal, we run the risk of missing out on divine surprise. And so changing it up a bit, like an outdoor service, can help us see and experience God differently. And that’s what we’re going to talk about today, how to see God as we continue in our sermon series called “Blessed: Finding the Good Life.” Would you read with me?             In 2008, musician George Strait released a song called, “I Saw God Today.” Anybody ever hear it? In this song he sings about average, every day scenarios, things we see all the time…flowers poking through the ground, a young couple holding hands, a new baby staring back at him through t...

Blessed Are Those Who Hunger and Thirst For Righteousness

Blessed Are Those Who Hunger and Thirst For Righteousness Matthew 5: 1-6, Romans 6: 12-23 Today we are continuing our sermon series called “Blessed: Finding the Good Life.” Over the past few weeks we’ve explored the varied ways the Kingdom of God opens up to those who are poor in spirit, to those who mourn, and to those who are meek. Today we look at the topic of righteousness. Would you read with me? There’s a popular story that’s made the rounds over the years. I’ve heard it a few different ways, and I’ll share it as best as I know how. A grandfather and his grandson are sitting around the fire, talking about all sorts of things in the world. After awhile, the grandson looks up and says, “Grandpa, you’ve often said that two wolves live inside of us, a good one and an evil one. Well, I’m curious. Which wolf wins?” The grandfather thought for a second, smiled and said very simply, “Whichever one you feed the most.” I’ve always appreciated the simpli...

Blessed Are Those Who Mourn

Blessed Are Those Who Mourn             Last week we began our new sermon series on the Beatitudes called “Blessed: Finding the Good Life,” and we spent our time together looking at what it means to be poor in spirit. Today we look at a topic that most of us would rather avoid if we could…the topic of mourning. But at the same time, we remember the Jesus’ promise of comfort to those who experience loss. Would you read with me… Well, football season is officially here, which means only one thing: Pittsburgh Dad fans will soon be laughing until they cry! Any Pittsburgh Dad fans in the room? Now, I don’t know if you’d ever heard of Pittsburgh Dad, but let me tell you- his online videos will have you rolling on the floor with laughter. Pittsburgh Dad loves, no, bleeds all things Pittsburgh (Primanti sandwiches, Stiller football, the word “yinz.). He’s black and gold through and through, and he’s not afraid t...