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Showing posts from October, 2017

Standing Tall, Falling Hard (The Story)

Oct. 27/28      Standing Tall, Falling Hard Select Readings From 1 Samuel             Welcome once again to the Story. For the past several weeks we’ve been looking at the grand narrative of Scripture (creation, fall, redemption and restoration), and we’ll continue this study well into spring. Over the last two weeks, we’ve found ourselves in the period of the judges. Now, the judges were men and women God appointed for a limited time to shepherd His people through the Promised Land, people like Deborah, Gideon and Samson. But today marks yet another shift in the Story. Today we’re leaving the era of the judges and ushering in the era of the kings.             Saul has the distinction of being anointed as the first King of Israel, but to really understand Saul’s story, we have to first understand the changes that are happening in the people of ...

The Faith of a Foreign Woman (The Story)

Ruth: The Faith of a Foreign Woman           Oct. 21/22, 2017 Scripture:   Ruth 1: 1-18, 3: 1-13             Today we continue our journey through The Story, and we find our way to the wonderful, short like Book of Ruth. Last week we were in the Book of Judges, which is filled with stories of warriors. Today, we are making a blockbuster trade. We’re trading away our warriors and picking up some friends. I’m not much of a tv guy anymore. I hear stories about This Is Us and still enjoy an episode of The Big Bang Theory every now and then, but I’m more of an older shows kind of guy. If you grew up in the 1990’s like I did, chances are pretty good that you’ll recall a show called “The Wonder Years.”   Ever see it? My brother and I used to hurry home from the bus stop to catch the latest episode, and I still catch him watching re-runs of a show that had it all- roman...

A Few Good Men...and Women (The Story)

Oct. 15 th , 2017            A Few Good Men…and Women Judges 2: 8-19, Judges 7: 1-15             Today we continue The Story , where we are journeying with Scripture- from the beginning of God’s beautiful creation to the glorious vision of God making all things new. We pick up today in the Book of Judges, which signals a new season for the people called Israel. For years they had been searching for the Promised Land, grasping for the life God had for them, trying hard to believe that Moses, and then Joshua, would lead them well. And now they have it. They are in the land of Promise, living in the very place God said he would give them…but even after receiving God’s gift, that old story of sin and disobedience just won’t go away.             Times have changed for the Israelites. A generation of faithful leaders and...