Oct. 27/28 Standing Tall, Falling Hard Select Readings From 1 Samuel Welcome once again to the Story. For the past several weeks we’ve been looking at the grand narrative of Scripture (creation, fall, redemption and restoration), and we’ll continue this study well into spring. Over the last two weeks, we’ve found ourselves in the period of the judges. Now, the judges were men and women God appointed for a limited time to shepherd His people through the Promised Land, people like Deborah, Gideon and Samson. But today marks yet another shift in the Story. Today we’re leaving the era of the judges and ushering in the era of the kings. Saul has the distinction of being anointed as the first King of Israel, but to really understand Saul’s story, we have to first understand the changes that are happening in the people of ...
I'm a preacher of habit. I keep returning to the old, old story of a Savior and his love. But I wouldn't have it any other way.