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Showing posts from July, 2017

Pray Hard!

Pray Hard- The Persistence Quotient July 15/16      1 Kings 18: 41-46, Luke 18: 1-5             Today we continue to dream big and pray boldly through this exciting sermon series called the “Circle Maker.” Throughout the month of July, we’re asking God to deepen our faith and explode our prayer lives like never before. And today we’re going to learn that our big, bold prayers and dreams are not something we just dream once and let it go, but something we continue to pursuit until we feel confident that we have broken through into the heart of God. And it’s possible to do that.             History books tells us that October of 1879 was a monumental moment for famous American inventor Thomas Edison, and really, for the world. That’s the month he watched a carbon-based filament successfully burn for 13.5 hours. That pivotal moment gave birth to t...

Becoming a Circle Maker

Becoming A Circle Maker        July 1 and 2, 2017 Scripture: Mark 10: 46-52 Today we begin a new journey called The Circle Maker. This is a 4 week series on prayer, but even more than that, it’s a 4 week series that stretches our walk with Christ and invites us into a deep and bold faith. (You can check out more of this awesome book/sermon series here: . You can also join us for a 4-week small group experience beginning Tuesday, July 11th at 6:30 at the Koffee Shoppe.) There’s a story of an old Israelite sage named Honi that’s been passed down from generation to generation. Honi, who lived several hundred years before Jesus, was famous for his prayerful heart but especially for his prayers for rain. And that served him well during an extremely dry season in Jerusalem. It was a time of drought, the type of drought that leaves behind a wake of devastation. Animals were dying; people were suffering; the wells were all dried ...