Dec. 24 th The Advent Conspiracy- Love All Scripture: Luke 2: 1-16 Today we’re wrapping up our Advent sermon series entitle “The Advent Conspiracy.” And I hope you’ve found it to be a worthwhile way to spend your time leading up to Christmas. Along the way we’ve been asking an important question: Can Christmas still change the world? And if we believe the answer is yes, which I think we do, then somehow we are called to celebrate in meaningful ways that reflect the hope of that first Christmas that changed everything. We’ve suggested three ways we can do that: Worship fully, spend less, and give more. Today we add one more game-changer: Love All. The first pastors to lead their churches through the Advent Conspiracy once shared a powerful moment with a tribal chief in an African village. I wanted to share their story with you: “We stopped at a village that, like many others, welcomed us with beautiful smiles and open arms. ...
I'm a preacher of habit. I keep returning to the old, old story of a Savior and his love. But I wouldn't have it any other way.