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Showing posts from April, 2013


It never fails. Whenever a tragedy strikes, or especially when tragedy strikes, someone always proclaims our world's need for revival.  And I couldn't agree more.  So let's talk revival. Yesterday's sermon was based on Acts 9: 36-43, which portrays Peter's raising of the dead disciple Tabitha. The text concludes with Peter moving on to a tanner named Simon, but not before leaving behind a revival:  "This became known all over Joppa, and many people believed in the Lord" (NIV). There was revival in Joppa that day.  By believing in the Lord, those who were spiritually dead were made to be spiritually alive.   This is the fruit of revival. When non-believers or pre-believers become believers in Jesus, revival is taking place!  And when people become followers of Jesus, everything about life changes.  Hopeless living becomes hope-filled living.  Joy-less living becomes joy-filled living.  Selfish living becomes selfless living.  The pres...

Reflections on the Boston Marathon Bombings

Grace and Peace, Earlier today I had the privilege of interviewing two candidates for a campus ministry position at Wyotech.  One of the candidates was curious about my interest in such a ministry.  It didn't take me long to answer.  I quickly said, "There are students at Wyotech who need to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ, and I believe it is our job to tell them." After a long day of interviews and good Christ-centered conversation, I called my wife.  She promptly told me about the tragedy unfolding at the Boston Marathon. My reactions were many.  I experienced disbelief and anger, fear and pain, sorrow and concern.  And then I remembered the sermon I preached on Easter. If you were in worship on Easter Sunday, you heard me say very candidly that my "Holy Week" was more of a crappy week.  In all honesty, Holy Week 2013 was a painful week of ministry for me.  It was one of those weeks pastors hope to avoid, a week that felt like Good Fri...
Well, this is my first venture (call it a leap of faith) into the world of blogging.  I'm a pretty good conversationalist, but deep inside I'm truly an introvert.  Mostly what I hope to do in this blog is continue the sacred conversations God begins with us during worship, Bible study or even in those less "official" moments where we are gathered together in His name. Maybe we'll sow some seeds.  Hopefully and prayerfully, we'll always point to Christ!